Wednesday, August 9, 2017

How To Prevent Spread Of Disease From Currency


Handling cash and credit cards is a task that happens at every business. Unfortunately, cash and credit cards can harbor enormous numbers of transmittable pathogens. What can businesses that handle currency do to keep their employees healthy?

What’s Living on Our Currency?

Handling money on a regular basis from business registers can expose employees to a myriad of germs and there is a high possibility of spreading pathogens that are harmful to the human body. Pathogens are bacteria, viruses, or microorganisms that can cause disease. Salmonella, staphylococcus, and streptococcus are only a few of the bacteria commonly found on money and credit cards that can cause serious illness to individuals handling cash and to those around them.

These pathogens that are potentially infectious can live on the bills and credit cards that we use for days or even months. Constant exposure to these pathogens significantly increases the chances of employee illness, and if even one employee gets an infection, it will affect the entire office. The employee would either be absent from work, or he or she would come to the office while sick and put the other employees at risk. One case of the flu can quickly turn into an office epidemic, which can dramatically slow business functions.

Preventing the Spread of Pathogens

So what can you do to help stop the spread of disease-causing pathogens?

Washing Your Hands

The simplest way to prevent pathogens on money from turning into a disease is to have employees wash their hands between currency transactions. Unfortunately for many businesses, this is just not practical, due to time constraints..

Hand Sanitizer

The next best thing is to make hand sanitizer available to employees working at a cash register. This way employees can cleanse their hands every now and then or before touching other items.

Hand Health

Another way to prevent spreading disease from money is to encourage employees handling money to maintain good hand health. Dry or irritated hands can pick up pathogens more readily than healthy hands.

Pathogens are There, even if You Can’t See Them

One reason that employees handling cash and credit cards don’t always cleanse their hands enough is that they do not appear dirty after handling cash. However, encourage employees to keep washing their hands, even if they appear clean.

The Surrounding Area

In addition to keeping hands clean, you should also pay attention to the area surrounding the cash register. It’s easy to overlook things like pens and staplers that may be used during transaction and can gather germs. Remember to clean the area regularly.

If you’re interested in more tips and information about healthy business hygiene practices, contact Business Hygiene of Central Texas, located in San Marcos, TX.

The post How To Prevent Spread Of Disease From Currency appeared first on Business Hygiene.

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